Which looks better?

Ray Butler
2 min readNov 19, 2021


Dear UX Designer,

Every aspect of your design should be intentional. This is partly why a minority of mature UX designers don’t see the importance of sharing static images of your design. We are either UX designers or NOT.

Many years ago I functioned as an interior designer. No schooling, simply raw talent with an eye for good design. What I discovered is in general, while most people are not well versed on principles of design and wouldn’t dare attempt to design, the majority agree and have a mutual understanding on what looks good.

BFL is my professional brand. I removed the UI from it because it implies that UI design is something other than a subset of UX design. Let the reader understand nothing is dualistic about the discipline of UX design.

I’ve concluded that as a “professional” it is pointless to ask people their opinion on graphic designs. This reveals a desperate need for validation and confirmation as a designer. One should be aware if their design is a masterpeice, requires more work, or should be discarded. Of course, the exception would perhaps be a team project to ensure you’re on the right track to meet a clients needs. Even then, the focus would be on “purpose.” A person assigned the task to design is based on the assumption that one has the competence to accomplish such.

“What do you have that you did not first receive.” Special thanks to UX Uncensored for their commitment to the discipline of UX and its community of designers.

No matter what stage you are as a UX designer we all should understand that visual design is a piece to the puzzle. It’s a subset of UX amongst other things. Therefore, UX design is not the puzzle or a piece to a puzzle. UX design is about solving problems. UX designers are problem solvers. The solution to the problem is the puzzle and we should be more concerned with maturing our skills as designers to put all the right pieces together to make up a solution. Insecurity, ignorance, inexperience, and imaturity are all adversaries of UX designers.


  • Be aware of the basic premise of UX design.
  • Shun the insidious nature of dualism (UI/UX).
  • UX design is not a puzzle or piece to a puzzle.
  • The puzzle is the solution to a well defined problem.
  • The pieces to the puzzle are all subsets of UX design.
  • Insecurity, ignorance, inexperience, and imaturity are all adversaries of UX designers.
  • Despite your status, constantly check your maturity level.
  • Strive for maturity as a UX designer.


The UX Designer



Ray Butler

I’m a UX designer who creates digital solutions that focus on the goals of users for whom I design.